Friday, June 6, 2014

Aerial Ropeway opportunity to show the work

Hi Aerial Ropeway groups,

John Merson called yesterday and asked if anyone was available to present their projects next Wednesday out at Katoomba. I'm not able to go as I'm at a conference ... but I would encourage you to seriously consider it.

As an alternative we can send them links to the videos and still images you have captured of the final environments.

Let me know what you would like to do.


GOGA opportunities to increase your individual grade

Hi GOGA groups,

Below is a list of opportunities to increase your individual grades before the final submission:

1. Terrain development
2. Being able to move the display data panel have more than one profile visible in the display panel 
3. Importing two other churches, Nouvion and Bionnesvalyn
4. Being able to click for 4 sections and 2 plans 
5. Teleporting ability with a map with location to the side so you can get in and out of the church's without having to walk the whole way.
6. A map that lights up with location of church when hovered over in the search page.
